We hope you will have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in Hiroshima :)
Local people make both large and small pine torches throughout the month of December.On the evening of the 31st, as twilight falls, families gather at the shore near the Otorii(Grand gate).
A fire torch is carried from the Shrine and all of the individual pine torches are lit. The larger pine torches are carried by 30-40 men on their shoulder's, while children carry smaller ones. As the torches intensely burn the coastline become a combination of fire and water as the people run about chanting "Yoi, Yoi." After the festival, the embers from the torches are offers to family alters as a good luck charm to prevent fire and to welcome the New Year.
We are a advanced hostel in Hiroshima. Offering a budget accommodation in Hiroshima for backpackers, travellers and all travellers.We bring up to date with on the news of this hostel and tour information, event in Hiroshima, sightseeing information in Hiroshima, including information for Peace Memorial Park, A-Bomb Dome and also another World Heritage site Miyajima.