Aug 8(Mon) Kataribe - Real Story by an Atomic Bomb Victim "Keijiro Matsushima"
"So you saw the mushroom cloud. I was underneath it."
Keijiro Matsushima (A-bomb survivor)
August 6th. A significant date in the history of Japan and the world.
It is on, and around, this date that thousands of tourists from overseas, and foreigners living in Japan, head to Hiroshima to visit the museum and attend the Peace Memorial Ceremony.
This year, however, will be a little different.......
On Monday August 8th, there will be a rare chance to meet a survivor of the A-bomb at Tengu Gallery (Hondori).
Keijiro Matsushima was 16 when the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.
He will give his testimony of what happened on that fateful day in ENGLISH and there will be a Q&A session afterwards.
So to foster understanding, and in the hope that this atrocity is never repeated, why not come along and listen to Matsushima's story?
Matsushima gives a human face to the A-bombing tragedy.
Join the dialogue with Matsushima san.
Date : Monday, August 8
Time : 6:30pm open / 7:00pm start / 8:30pm end
Place : Gallery Tengu Square (Otemachi 1-5-12, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi)
Map :
Admission : Free
About : "Kataribe", a storyteller, Keijiro Matsushima recounts his personal atomic bomb experiences in ENGLISH.
A Q&A session will follow the presentation.
The capacity of the gallery is limited to only 20.
So we add you to the list if you push "Attending".
If you want to bring someone else, please let us know by writing on this event wall.
* Hearing a-bomb victim's speech in english is a really rare chance, so please understand we invite only foreigners to this event.
Keijiro Matsushima - Kataribe (Storyteller)
Born in Hiroshima City in 1929 (82 years old).
He was 16-years-old when the atomic Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.
At that time, he was inside a school building that was only two kilometers away from the epicenter.
He taught English in junior high school after the World War II.
After his retirement, he has been active as "Kataribe," a storyteller who recounts his personal atomic bomb experiences to younger generations.
Gallery Tengu Square
Otemachi 1-5-2, Naka-ku
Hiroshima-shi, Japan
19:00 - 20:30